In the natural site of Moron, we can find protected botanical species, due to their rarity on the French territory, as the summer nivéole, the buttercup with sheets of Ophioglosse, the ash tree with narrow sheets, the yellow pigamon. Other species more ubiquistes are very present on the site as various sorts of willows, ash trees, alders, iris and a typical plant of the wet zones: the carex or the sedge. We recognize them by the triangular stalk and they often grow in clods. These species called locally "bauge", are very representative of the site of Moron, because they were the only agricultural production of the zones of swamp. The farmers mowed the meadows in August and returned the bauge which was the litter for their cattle. But little by little, the herds made more and more rare and the bauge was not any more pinched, that is why we attend an advanced abandonment of the waterside lands in Moron.