The site is a potential refuge for the protected species that are the otter and the mink of Europe. However no individual was ever seen on the site. 41 species of birds were heard on the site. Most are of forest type and only 5 species are typical wet zones. We can hear, green woodpeckers, grey herons, hoopoes facies or still warblers. The site has also the peculiarity to welcome numerous butterflies (very rare species: "le cuivré des marais" butterfly, the copper-colored of swamps) as well as a sort of lizard and snake (the lizard of bulwarks and green and yellow grass-snake). We also find the common toad and the agile frog.
Nevertheless we can also add that as on most of the current natural sites, we note the presence of invasive species as the crawfish of Louisiana, Jussie and the negundo maple.