At the way out of Rozelieures village, on the 22D road to go to Saint-Boingt, the French Military Cemetery has been built to remind the "Battle of Rozelieures".
This Military Cemetery remembers the victory of french Army, the first since the beginning of 1st World War, in Rozelieures on 25th August 1914. It contains 218 individual graves, 2 collective graves with 21 dead bodies inside, and 2 monuments that contain together 915 dead bodies ; that means in the Cemetery of Rozelieures a whole of 1 154 dead bodies, with 783 not identified soldiers. A central path rise to the war memorial, on which is engraved in golden letters the writing "TO THE WINNERS OF ROZELIEURES".
Open every days in the year.
In the village, the Rozelieures church has a stained-glass window that also call to mind this violent battle during the 1st World War.
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