In a natural environment on the banks of the river Seine, make the most of the peace and quiet to watch birds, amphibians and insects. Along the bank of the river Seine, the fluvial terraces in Courcelles Bouafles are listed a Sensitive Natural area. These flat areas shaped by the river during the ice age have been largely remodelled by the quarry workers in the last century for the extraction of stones. Nowadays they hold a diversity of dry and wet habitats which are rich in biodiversity. You can walk around this natural area by following the "Sentier des Rossignols" (Nightingales' Path) to observe an exceptional array of fauna and flora. Education panels and tools will help you observe and recognize numerous bird species that gather in these two bodies of water. As dusk falls, you might hear the peculiar call of the Eurasian stone curlew. This funny bird looking surprised with long yellow legs is threatened by the urbanisation of the fluvial terraces where it builds its nest on unobstructed grounds to be able to spot intruders. The protection of these natural habitats contributes to its conservation.
Office de Tourisme Seine Eure
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