This stone is dedicated to Sir Paul Mistral, mayor of Grenoble born at Alpe du Grand Serre.
Paul Mistral was born in our village, bright student from elementary school, he enters at La Mure High School in 1887. There, his intelligence and tenacious work are noticed. He goes to Grenoble and work in a factory as an industrial designer. This work makes him understand the difficulties working class faces. He creates the newspaper "Right of people". He campaigns tirelessly for social creations. Desiring to improve the lives and well-being of it´s citizens, he dedicates his work to the most disadvantaged and poorly housed people. From 1919 he is mayor of Grenoble after having been previously MP in 1910. He creates the Paul Mistral city, made of suburban houses with small gardens where it is possible to grow vegetables and flowers for the house. The city is renewed by acquisition from army of the walls on the south side. This allowed to create new avenues and gave the city the opportunity to grow beyond these walls that became useless. He brought about the "International Exhibition of white carbon and Tourism", giving Grenoble an international renown and the benefit of all modern facilities. Visionary wise man, he will be regularly re-elected as mayor to his death. He does not forget his born place, having a nice house built and using his influence to build the road between Séchilienne and La Morte. Unfortunately he died before seeing it finished. The stone of this monument is made of serpentine, green marble rock extracted from Chinarde quarry.
Matheysine Tourisme - 13/12/2024
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