St. Martin's Church dates back to the 12th century as well as the apse and the central part of the nave.
The portal was reworked from the XIVth century as well as the wide part of the nave.
In the XIXth century the bell tower was raised on the façade.
In the vestibule, the old facade of the XIVth century is still visible.
On the outside you can see the elevation of the church in the 19th century
The lower parts of the walls, the chevet with the modillions and the openings remain from the Romanesque period.
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Fixed telephone : +33 5 53 90 63 74
Office de Tourisme du Pays de Saint-Aulaye
Fixed telephone : +33 5 53 90 18 95
Office de Tourisme de La Roche-Chalais
Registered and listed sites
Conditions de visite : Unaccompanied tours
Durée moyenne de la visite de groupe : 60
Durée moyenne de la visite individuelle : 60