Between Saint Aulaye and Ribérac, Festalemps is situated at the transition between the agricultural plains of the Ribéracois and the forest of the Double. The redevelopment of the centre of the village has helped to enhance the heritage. The washhouses were restored in 2010.
History has left a strong imprint. Excavations carried out at the beginning of 1900 have revealed prehistoric remains, including a polish stand. These finds are exhibited at the Musée du Périgord in Périgueux.
Henri IV also came to the town during the Battle of Coutras as evidenced by the names of hamlets: the Béarnais, the Reynie (Queen), the Upper and Lower stables (Horses) ... The house where he would have stayed at the Béarnais is still visible.
Fixed telephone : +33 5 53 90 63 74
Office de tourisme de Saint-Aulaye
Fixed telephone : +33 5 53 90 18 95
Bureau de La Roche-Chalais
Town, village and district
Conditions de visite : Unaccompanied tours