Saint-Macaire is a medieval town overlooking the Garonne River, whose trade expansion dates back to the establishment of the "Wine Privilege" in the 13th century. The town is surrounded by ramparts, some of whose gates remain, and the streets in the center are paved. Of the monastery, the south wing of the cloister overlooks the ramparts. At the junction of the original urban core and the Thuron slope leading down to the first river port, the arcaded Mercadiou square is adorned with houses dating from the 13th and 14th centuries and the 15th and 16th centuries.
The church with its remarkable murals, the Place du Marché lined with arcaded galleries, the merchants' residences and numerous listed buildings make Saint-Macaire a remarkable urban ensemble, a medieval town not to be missed in the Sud-Gironde.
Fixed telephone : +33 5 56 63 68 00
Office de Tourisme Sauternes Graves Landes Girondines
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Office de Tourisme Sauternes Graves Landes Girondines
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Office de Tourisme Sauternes Graves Landes Girondines
Town, village and district
Registered and listed sites
Date de début : 01/01/2024 00:00:00
Date de fin : 31/12/2024 00:00:00
Typologie de la visite guidée : Information signs
Typologie de la visite guidée : with a guide
Conditions de visite : Unaccompanied tours
Conditions de visite : Guided tours
Durée moyenne de la visite de groupe : 90
Durée moyenne de la visite individuelle : 60