This stele reminds us that at this place, the "TURCOS" regiments of Algerian Sharshooters, have made a halt, having landed in Provence on the beaches of Dramont as they were led by Colonel de LINARES himself under the General de LATTRE DE TASSIGNY orders.
Then, they went through Montrieux, the plateau de Signes and Revest in order to deliver Toulon.
The first army, which was commanded by General de LATTRE DE TASSIGNY, landed in Provence to liberate the territories that were occupied by the Germans right before going back to Berlin to sign the German surrender.
In this first army, which was called "The French Expeditionary Force", there were regiments composed mainly of fighters of North African origin (between 230,000 and 250,000 men).
Some regiments were composed of Moroccans, who were called "Tabors" or "Goums".
Some others, who were called "TURCOS", had Algerian origins and were part of the 3rd AID (Algerian infantry division).
The Algerian and Tunisian sharpshooters’ regiments were with the Zouaves among the most decorated of the French army.
But why were they called « TURCOS »?
This nickname was given to Algerian riflemen by Russian troops during the Crimean War (1853-1856). Indeed, they fought so heroically that the Russians fled before them shouting "Turcos" because the Turks had the reputation of being formidable warriors.