Este sendero le llevará por un paisaje típico del valle del Tarn: campos, viñedos y bosques. Hay muchas vistas de los pueblos de los alrededores y, en los días claros, incluso de los Pirineos.
There are regions where the pigeon is king. This bird (Lo colomb, in Occitan) was prized for its meat, but also for its droppings, which were used as a powerful fertiliser in the Gaillacois vineyards and fields. Many ‘colombièrs’ (dovecotes) have also left their mark on the Tarn landscape. You will see several around the village.
There is a shorter alternative route from point 3 that joins the itinerary between points 5 and 6.
El camino de vuelta pasa por el castillo de Labastidié, del siglo XIX.
Office de Tourisme La Toscane Occitane - 22/10/2024
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