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De Zuidelijke Scandibérique in Seine-et-Marne - van Bois-le-Roi naar Souppes-sur-Loing

Scandibérique Sud Seine-et-Marne - Moret Loing et Orvanne
Credit : Amelie Laurin

De Cirkwi brief

Ontdek de Scandibérique: Fietsen van Bois-le-Roi naar Souppes-sur-Loing

Maak een reis door de betoverende landschappen van zuid Seine-et-Marne met de Scandibérique route, een schat voorgesteld door Seine et Marne Attractivité. Deze 60 km lange fietsavontuur langs de rivieren de Seine en Loing biedt meer dan alleen lichamelijke inspanning; het is een poort naar de ziel van Frankrijk. Van de dichte, geclassificeerde bossen tot de bewaarde natuurlijke ruimtes, brengt elke pedaal je dichter bij het hart van de Franse geschiedenis en cultuur. Door dorpen boordevol karakter en landschappen bezaaid met historische bezienswaardigheden, gaat de ervaring verder dan alleen sightseeing. Voel de bries, geniet van de levendige sferen en word onderdeel van het levende tapijt dat deze regio is.

Korte technische beschrijving

Deze 54,9 km lange route heeft een maximale hoogte van 78 meter en een minimum van 41 meter. Fietsers moeten zich voorbereiden op een totaal positief hoogteverschil tussen 217 en 225 meter. Ondanks de relatief bescheiden hellingen kan dit glooiende terrein een matige uitdaging bieden, waardoor het perfect is voor gemiddelde fietsers. De reis van Bois-le-Roi naar Souppes-sur-Loing wordt gekenmerkt door een reeks technische kenmerken die de fietservaring verbeteren en zowel uithoudingsvermogen als strategie vereisen. Het biedt in wezen een evenwichtige mix van lichamelijke inspanning en schilderachtig genot.

Seizoensgebonden tips en veiligheid

Het aangaan van dit fietsavontuur vereist doordachte voorbereiding. In het voorjaar zijn de landschappen in bloei, maar kunnen de paden nat zijn; zorg ervoor dat je fiets is uitgerust voor modder. De zomer belooft weelderige uitzichten, maar hydratatie is essentieel in de zon. De herfst brengt een caleidoscoop van kleuren, maar gevallen bladeren kunnen glad zijn. Winter, hoewel somber, heeft zijn eigen schitterende schoonheid, maar ijzige omstandigheden vragen om voorzichtigheid. Draag altijd een helm, houd een reparatieset bij de hand en informeer iemand over je reisroute. Het volgen van deze aanbevelingen verbetert de veiligheid en het plezier, ongeacht het seizoen.

Historische parels van Seine-et-Marne

Het gebied van Seine-et-Marne is doordrenkt van een rijke geschiedenis en cultuur en fungeert zowel als bewaker als tentoonstelling van het erfgoed van Frankrijk. Van de uitnodigende deur van Bois-le-Roi tot Souppes-sur-Loing is deze route een levend museum onder de open lucht. Het loopt door gebieden die eeuwen geschiedenis hebben meegemaakt, van middeleeuwse veldslagen tot Renaissance artistieke bloeiperioden. De kastelen, kerken en musea langs de weg zijn geen gewone attracties, maar verhaalboeken uitgehouwen in steen, die je uitnodigen om de verhalen te ontdekken die deze fascinerende regio van Frankrijk hebben gevormd.

Weersinformatie voor een optimale ervaring

Het klimaat in Seine-et-Marne is overwegend oceaanisch, gekenmerkt door milde winters en aangename zomers, waardoor het het hele jaar door toegankelijk is om te fietsen. Voor de ideale ervaring is het raadzaam om je reis te plannen tussen het late voorjaar en het vroege najaar. Tijdens deze seizoenen is het weer het meest gunstig, met minimale neerslag en temperaturen die niet te heet of te koud zijn. Controleer altijd de weersvoorspelling voordat je op tour gaat, aangezien de weersomstandigheden kunnen fluctueren en mogelijk van invloed kunnen zijn op je fietservaring.
Automatisch gegenereerd.

Technische informatie

Niet gespecificeerd
56 km
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Lat : 48.474568Lng : 2.692292


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Basilica Saint Mathurin

This famous place of pilgrimage celebrates the memory of Saint Mathurin, who was born here in the third century.His family was pagan, but when he converted to Christianity he instructed his parents and soon gained a great reputation of great saintliness. At that time it was rumoured that the Roman Emperor’s daughter Theodora was possessed of a devil that declared it would only leave her if Saint Mathurin intervened. The Saint was therefore ordered to go to Rome, where he healed the Emperor’s daughter but then died. His body was brought back and laid in a chapel at Larchant, where it was venerated by many visitors. Saint Mathurin was invoked for healing of the mad, and this pilgrimage became one of the most famous in France in the Middle Ages, especially as it was also on the road to Santiago de Compostela. Six kings of France made the pilgrimage to Larchant: Charles IV, Louis XI, Charles VIII, François I twice, Henri II and Henri III. Today’s pilgrimage takes place every year at Whitsuntide. The church as it is today was built from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries. It had barely been completed when an extraordinary series of catastrophes befell it. It burned twice, struck by lightning in 1490 and again in 1568 during the Wars of Religion. Pillaging and hurricanes added to the list of its miseries, the ultimate disaster being the collapse of the tower in 1675. The Last Judgement door, with its vivid imagery dating from the thirteenth century, gives access to the ruined part of the nave. Access today is by the south door of the transept. Only the choir, the apse and the chapel of the Virgin have kept their roof vaults. The two levels of windows in the apse give it a harmony accentuated by the slim columns set out from the walls. The luminosity of this huge vessel as it must have been when the 46 windows lit it can easily be imagined.

Place du Pilori 77760 Larchant
- Office de Tourisme du Pays de Nemours -
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Château-Landon: the historical capital of the Gâtinais regionLocated in the south of the Seine-et-Marne department, Château-Landon is a surprising village, built on a rocky outcrop overlooking the green valley of the Fusain river, which has earned it the nickname of "Rocamadour" of the Gâtinais. The presence of an exceptional religious and civil heritage demonstrates the prosperity of the city since the 12th century. Château-Landon was indeed a place of passage impossible to circumvent because of its proximity with Provins, and its famous fairs. Strolling through Château-Landon is like strolling through history... As you stroll through the narrow streets, you will discover the ramparts, the 17 wash houses and you will no doubt imagine the life of the people of Châteaulandon in the days of the washerwomen... Yes, Château-Landon is undoubtedly a village of character, an unexpected interlude that is well worth a small detour... Its history : Once the capital of the Counts of Gâtinais, it was given to the king of France in 1068 by Foulques IV le Réchin. Then, it became a royal residence: Louis VI, Louis VII, Philippe Auguste stayed there regularly. Thus, since the 6th century, it has been renowned as a religious and pilgrimage site. According to the legend, a monk named Séverin, who came from Switzerland, miraculously cured Clovis (1st Christian Frankish king), before coming here to die around the year 511. It was to honor his memory that Childebert I, the third son of Clovis, had a first basilica built around 545, which would become the great royal abbey of Saint-Séverin over the centuries. It is for this reason that many people came from far and wide to venerate the relics of the Saint. Thus, thanks to its powerful abbey richly maintained by the kings of France and the popes, the city will become a very important religious center with its 17 buildings including 4 monasteries and priories. Cradle of the Plantagenet lineage... The son of Count Foulques IV, the Rechin, Foulques V, Count of Château-Landon, became the first king of the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem after the Crusades. His son Geoffroy married Matilda of England and became the head of a famous royal lineage, the "Plantagenets", which ruled England from 1154 to 1485. It is this Geoffrey who slipped a small branch of broom to his chief cover, hence the name "Plantagenet" which will make the fame of the family. A draping city... In a royal charter dating from 1381, the city is listed among the 17 "draping" cities of the kingdom. Today, we can find traces of 17 mills along the small river of Fusain, flowing at the foot of the city where the wool was spun. The city produced, in particular, "tabards", large woolen coats, whose memory arises through the name of the park of the "Tabarderie", a green space and leisure bordering the Fusain. Discovery tour of the medieval city of Château-Landon... NEW "Valorization of the heritage of Château-Landon" in Gâtinais Val-de-Loing. Come to discover the 12 tourist panels and the orientation table which decorate the discovery circuit of the medieval city of Château-Landon of 3 km. Installed recently, this set of panels aims to better inform the visitor and guide him through a brief reminder of the history of the site concerned, accompanied by visuals, plans or archive images. All you have to do now is to walk along its streets and paths to see the many treasures that the city has to offer. The little extra! If you walk along the towpath of the Scandiberique (EV3), along the Canal du Loing, you will discover a thirteenth panel telling the story of the canal bridge in Néronville.

place du Marché 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Located on the plateau overlooking the Loing valley, here is a charming village in the middle of the plains and woods.The village grew from the 4th century thanks to easily exploitable iron mines that allowed the development of a flourishing industry. Similarly, its location at the crossroads of several ancient Roman roads makes Egreville an important stop, especially thanks to its fairs and markets. But also, with the passage of the many pilgrims who criss-cross the region and find the cottage and the canopy. For this reason, the governor of Castle Landon acquired the estate at the beginning of the sixteenth century and became the first lord of Egreville. First, he built the first chapel of Saint-Martin and a castle around which the village developed. Then, on the order of Saint-Louis, the village was fortified in the 13th century. The village suffered some damage during the hundred-year war. Then, in the sixteenth century, François the first offers the fief to his mistress, Anne of Pisseleu, Duchess of Etampes. The latter, together with her heirs, undertook important restorations and constructions. They will also prosper the village. Witness to the importance of the markets in the villages of Gâtinais since the Middle Ages, Egreville forms a beautiful ensemble with its old houses massed around its hall of the sixteenth century and the large bell tower of its church which also has superb stained glass windows. Moreover, with its magnificent and robust framework and its sloping roof, the old hall surprises with its undeniable beauty. Every year, before the Christmas holidays, she comes to life with a major fat poultry fair.

1 rue Saint-Martin 77620 Égreville
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The Royal Square, the City Walls, the 12th century Keep are proud of their medieval origins and shape the architecture of the old city.Though most of the 1356 meters of walls and the twenty towers have disappeared over the years, the two gateways, Porte de Bourgogne and Porte de Samois, magnificently attest its medieval past. The majesty of the gates, the bridge and the banks of the River Loing as that of the Church Notre-Dame make Moret an exceptional site for history enthusiasts, dedicated walkers and painters. While strolling through the centre of town, you will discover superb Renaissance façades, the House of the Barley Sugar, a speciality of the nuns of Moret-sur-Loing since the 17th century or even the house and tomb of Alfred Sisley, the “Moret Impressionist”, who was the first to capture the majesty of light over the city. Numerous tourists come and see the sites painted by Sisley and these sites have been preserved: the Bridge over the Loing, immortalized by the painter ,the Church Notre Dame, the dominating Keep, the towpaths…To those who come from town or villages nearby, come and enjoy a guided tour and don’t hesitate to wander in the narrow streets or along the banks of the river, before enjoying a meal at one of the best restaurants in town. Enjoy rowing a boat or have a walk, canoe down the river, reach Moret by boat, arriving at the port of call. The “Point Sisley”, the Local Museum, the Bicycle Museum will welcome you. And don’t forget the Festivals! The heart of Moret keeps beating.

Moret-sur-Loing 77250 Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne
- Office de Tourisme Moret Seine et Loing -
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The Moret Barley sugar Museum

The Moret Nuns Barley Sugar has been well-known and appreciated for more than 300 years, It was originally made by the Benedictine nuns who, in 1638, founded a house in Moret, under the name of the Priory of Our Lady of Angels.This sweet, unique in its own way, was the delight of the most important people who carried of large quantities when the Court came to Moret. After having prospered under Louis XIV and gone through a period of glory until 1758, the monastery when through a number of ups and downs and disappeared in 1792. Production also stopped during the Revolution and even the secret recipe seemed to have disappeared forever, washed away with the nuns by the revolutionary tide. Luckily, after the bad days, a nun from the former Moret priory, Sister Felicity, came back with her secret to live in the Moret-sur-Loing region. Before dying, she confided the secret recipe to a faithful friend. Later, when other nuns came to live in Moret, the pious confident, in compliance with the recommendations of the deceased nun, lost no time in handing over the precious formula. In 1853, production started to grow again. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the nuns produced and sold their speciality in a corner of the Place Royale in front of the church. The nuns encountered all kinds of difficulties in the 1960’s. They had to stop production and leave Moret in 1972. In 1970, Sister Marie-André handed the secret of barley sugar to Mr. Jean Rousseau, confectioner. Thanks to the association “Produits et Terroir” this centuries-old speciality has been brought back to life and is being produced again. The Moret Nuns Barley Sugar museum in Moret-sur-Loing recounts the history and production of this delicious delicacy. Free tasting and on-site purchasing.

Rue du Pont Moulin Provencher Moret-sur-Loing 77250 Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne
- Office de Tourisme Moret Seine et Loing -
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Palace of Fontainebleau

The Château de Fontainebleau is a big part of French history! This vast building, in both classical and Renaissance style, is not only famous for witnessing Napoleon's imperial adventure.From the royal charter of 1137 to the fall of the Second Empire in 1870, the Palace of Fontainebleau saw the lives of the greatest French sovereigns from day to day. The original medieval fortress was replaced by a Renaissance palace under the guiding hand of Francois I. At that time, two Italian artists, Primaticcio and Il Rosso vied in talent and founded the first School of Fontainebleau. The Galerie François I, which leads from the royal apartments to the chapel of the Convent of the Holy Trinity, is most original with its décor of frescoes, stucco and carved wood in praise of François I. The Ballroom was completed at the time of the last Valois kings, under Primaticcio’s direction. With Henri IV, the new Bourbon dynasty took over the palace, and built new rooms with interior decoration placed in the hands of the artists of the second School of Fontainebleau. Louis XIII completed the work started by his father. Under the Sun King Fontainebleau continued to be the royal family home, and the Grand Dauphin was born there in 1661. The king’s nieces were married from Fontainebleau, and the Edict of Nantes was revoked there in 1685. Louis XV and Louis XVI would spend the autumn there and initiated new, large scale building works and interior doing-ups. After the French Revolution, Napoleon I found the palace completely emptied of its furniture but intact. He undertook to refurnish the apartments and brought the palace back to its former glory as the home of the sovereign. Napoleon Bonaparte spent his last days there before his abdication in 1814 and departure for the Elba. Louis-Philippe was the first sovereign to order a complete restoration of Fontainebleau. The restoration of the Empire in 1852 gave renewed importance to the palace, and Napoleon III became strongly attached to this home, staying there regularly with his court. Housed in the Louis XV wing, the Napoleon I museum is dedicated to the Emperor and his family, with a large collection of objects from his everyday life, weapons used in military campaigns and gifts he received. The Chinese museum, created by Empress Eugenie, displays works of art from the Far East. The Jeu de Paume court, thought to be the oldest of the three surviving in France, is open to the public with demonstrations and introductory games. Le Nôtre's French gardens, the Queen’s English garden with its Fountain of Diana, the hedge maze and the Cour des Adieux are open to the public all year round. Boat excursions on the Etang aux Carpes or horse-drawn carriage rides are available. The Domain of the Fontainebleau Palace is inscribed at the UNESCO Humanity World Heritage. There is a little train going around the gardens during the touristic season.

Place du Général de Gaulle 77300 Fontainebleau
- Seine et Marne Attractivité -


Quartier Henri IV - Place d'Armes 77300 Fontainebleau France

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