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Walk in Champeaux

Hôtel à insectes
Collégiale Saint-Martin de Champeaux
Charte du Randonneur
Credit : Yves Lagües-Baget

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Champeaux: A Journey Through History and Nature

Embarking on a journey through Champeaux offers more than just a walk; it presents an opportunity to tread through history and nature harmoniously intertwined. The route, crafted by the Communauté de Communes Brie des Rivières et Châteaux, leads adventurers from the majestic Collégiale Saint-Martin, a beacon of medieval theological study, to the serene pathways beside the ru de l’Ancœur. As you traverse, the essence of Champeaux's past whispers, with each step revealing the craft of bygone eras and the untouched beauty of the landscape. This village, a crucible of heritage and culture, encapsulates the soul of the Brie region, making each visit a profound encounter with history.

Brief Technical Overview of the Route

Spanning a distance of 3.6 km, this leisurely trail is marked by a minimal elevation change, fluctuating between 85 to 99 meters. The journey from start to finish is estimated to take approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, accommodating walkers of all paces. With no specific trail markers, participants are encouraged to follow the detailed directions provided, ensuring a seamless exploration of Champeaux's landmarks. This undemanding route, with a total positive elevation of 40 meters, offers an inclusive experience for enthusiasts seeking both historical insight and natural beauty.

Seasonal Advice for Champeaux Explorers

Regardless of the season, Champeaux’s trail offers unique charms. During spring, the blooming flora around the Château d’Aunoy and Collégiale Saint-Martin creates a picturesque backdrop for hikers. Summer presents an ideal time for extended explorations, with longer daylight hours illuminating the path. However, it’s advisable to carry water and sun protection. Autumn brings a cascade of colors, transforming the route into a mosaic of golds and reds, perfect for photography. In winter, while the trail remains accessible, ensure to wear appropriate footwear for potentially slippery paths. Always check weather conditions ahead of your visit.

Cultural Heart of the Brie Region

Champeaux, nestled within the scenic Brie region, stands as a testament to enduring historical and cultural significance. The highlight, the Collégiale Saint-Martin, is not merely an architectural marvel but a beacon of theological and educational advancement from the Middle Ages. This small yet pivotal village served as a crossroads in the Val d’Ancœur, evidencing the rich tapestry of France’s historical evolution. The juxtaposition of ancient heritage sites against the backdrop of the picturesque Brie landscape underscores Champeaux's vital role in French cultural and historical narratives.

Optimum Season for Champeaux Visits

The climate in the Champeaux region is generally mild, characterized by distinct seasonal changes that each bring their own charm to the landscape. The optimal time for visiting is late spring through early autumn, when temperatures are pleasant, and the risk of adverse weather is lower. This period allows for the full appreciation of the natural and architectural beauty that Champeaux has to offer. Whether it's the vibrant bloom of spring or the gentle warmth of autumn, each season in Champeaux creates a unique and memorable experience for visitors.
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Technical Information

Very easy
4.9 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

5 5 Place du Cloître , 77720Champeaux
Lat : 48.583437Lng : 2.806594


Points of interest

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Collégiale Saint-Martin de Champeaux

Plus bel édifice religieux de la Brie, la Collégiale Saint-Martin de Champeaux reste le seul témoin d'un collège (communauté) de chanoines qui accueillait un célèbre centre d'études théologiques et de chant.La Collégiale Saint-Martin de Champeaux, classée aux Monuments Historiques en 1940, est une belle et grande église construite du milieu du 12e siècle au début du 14e siècle. Elle était l’église d’un Chapitre de chanoines appelé aussi Collège d’où son appellation de collégiale. Il y avait une école de chant qui formait des chantres pour les communautés de toute la région dans cette acoustique exceptionnelle. La prospérité des chanoines permit la construction d’une église aux qualités architecturales remarquables. Elle a une longueur de 69,55 m, une largeur de 24,20 m, une hauteur dans la nef de 15,30 m et son clocher culmine à près de 30 m. Les parties les plus anciennes du bâtiment, comme le transept, remontent au milieu du 12e siècle et le reste de l’église illustre les principales étapes de l’architecture gothique rayonnante. L’ensemble, achevé au début du 14e siècle, nous est parvenu presque intact, enrichi à la Renaissance d'un bel ensemble de vitraux et de très belles stalles et au 18e siècle par un grand retable de bois sculpté. L’architecture de style gothique primitif assez dépouillé est cependant enrichie de sculptures : un grand nombre de chapiteaux sculptés aux motifs végétaux, des personnages et monstres divers qui parsèment le chœur et le transept. Il y a au sein de la Collégiale le plus important ensemble de plates-tombes du 14e siècle de la région. En 1946, devant l’état de dégradation dans lequel le monument était tombé, l’Association des Amis de la Collégiale est fondée pour aider la commune à préverser et valoriser ce patrimoine. La Collégiale abrite plusieurs objets protégés au titre des Monuments Historiques : statues du 16e siècle, tabernacle du 17e siècle, un aigle-lutrin du 18e siècle, des prie-Dieu du 19e siècle et un tabouret de chantre... Le célèbre sculpteur Rodin fut passionné par ce beau monument dans lequel il revînt souvent. Il a réalisé des dessins d'architecture de la Collégiale dont les reproductions y sont exposées. L'Association Guillaume de Champeaux propose depuis 1983 des concerts, des expositions et des visites guidées de la Collégiale.

5 Place du Cloître 77720 Champeaux
- Communauté de Communes Brie des Rivières et Châteaux -
image du object

Val d'Ancoeur: listed site

The story begins like a fairy tale: "Once upon a time, there was the Val d'Ancœur..." with its castles, its legends and the 3 names of this small stream, which has become a myth, from Ancœur to Ancoeuil and ends in Almont... before flowing into the Seine.(extract from the Archives Départementales website) The ru d'Ancoeur is a watercourse which rises in the commune of Grandpuits-Bailly-Carrois at an altitude of 125 m. It then takes the name of "Ancoeuil" in the commune of Moisenay and, after a journey of 25 km from its source, flows into the Bassin de la Poële at the Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte. At the end of this basin, it flows into the Almont 5 km downstream into the Seine at Melun. Together with its tributaries, it forms a catchment area of approximately 306 km². The ru d'Ancoeur flows through the municipalities of Grandpuits-Bailly-Carrois, La Chapelle-Gauthier, Bréau, Bombon, Saint-Méry, Blandy-les-Tours, Moisenay, Maincy and Melun. Classified as an "Exceptional Site" since 14 October 1985 by the Direction Régionale et Interdépartementale de l'Environnement et de l'Energie d'Île-de-France, the ru d'Ancœur offers enchanting landscapes. The listed site covers 1861 hectares. Along its watercourses - the Almont, the Ancoeuil (or Ancueil) and then the Ancoeur - the Val d'Ancœur offers panoramic views: villages, forests, châteaux (Vaux-le-Vicomte, Blandy-Les-Tours, etc.) and, at the confluence with the Seine, urbanised areas. "The Ancoeur is a river with very little water, very irregular and in danger of running dry on a regular basis. The water level in its catchment area is 96 millimetres a year, which is one of the lowest in France, more than three times lower than the average for the country as a whole, and above all well below the average for the whole of the Seine basin (around 240 millimetres). For centuries, however, the constant flow of the river Ancoeur has enabled numerous mills to operate. The large number of hydraulic structures, such as canals, basins and ponds, small reservoirs and mills, give the landscape a distinctive identity based on water and its control. This is linked to the wet nature of the land. A place where people live, produce and create, the Val d'Ancoeur is home to a number of major heritage sites throughout the area: churches and works of art dating back to the 12th century, castles, farms, mills, rural housing, small-scale rural heritage, and so on. It has also become a subject of reflection and aesthetic admiration thanks to the artists who have seized upon its beauty to interpret it in their own way. - L'Ancueil ("Anqueil" in its 17th-century spelling), for example, gave its name to a majestic statue in the grounds of Vaux-le-Vicomte located to the left of the grotto complex (1659-1662), facing the Tiber installed to the right in 1659. - In 1879, the painter Paul Cézanne immortalised the Pont de Maincy (preserved at the Musée d'Orsay). - And sculptor Auguste Rodin devoted some superb drawings to the Collegiate Church of Champeaux (1890-1917), testifying to his admiration. For several years now, the Communauté de Communes Brie des Rivières et Châteaux and the Communauté d'Agglomération Melun Val de Seine have been working together to draw up a Landscape Plan to highlight the assets of the Val d'Ancoeur. An opportunity to protect and enhance the landscape heritage. The perimeter of the listed site covers 11 communes in an area of around 56 km². As the crow flies, it is almost 17 km long.

- Communauté de Communes Brie des Rivières et Châteaux -

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾