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Long walking loop around the Cruella via the pine forest and the Irish path

Long walking loop around the Cruella via the pine forest and the Irish path
Long walking loop around the Cruella via the pine forest and the Irish path
Long walking loop around the Cruella via the pine forest and the Irish path
Long walking loop around the Cruella via the pine forest and the Irish path
Long walking loop around the Cruella via the pine forest and the Irish path
Long walking loop around the Cruella via the pine forest and the Irish path
Long walking loop around the Cruella via the pine forest and the Irish path


A steep and sporty route, ideal for exercising your calves! Magnificent views when you join the GR52A which takes you back towards the village of Breil, then a breathtaking panorama from the Cruella tower.

Don't forget to take water!

Start from the Place Biancheri in front of the tourist office, at 284 m altitude, to climb to the medieval watchtower La Cruella, which dominates the entire Breil basin, at 535 m altitude.

Go up the Roya on the left bank and take the path towards the Zouainé valley and Saorge at marker 6: it starts just before the Pont Supérieur and runs along the Roya. Follow it to marker 9. At the junction with the track, take it to the right and climb up. Pass a hairpin bend and turn right onto a path marked with a wooden sign: "Itinéraire pédestre". It climbs steeply upwards until it meets the GR52A at marker 10. You will take it on your right as you descend towards the village of Breil.
You leave the GR and climb to the left to reach the Cruella tower after a few hairpin bends.
Breathtaking and sometimes vertiginous views on the GR section, then from the Cruella tower.
A compulsory aerial break.
From the tower, head south on the slope of the next valley, along the Irish path marked in yellow in the restanques planted with olive trees.
You will join the valley path that you will follow on your right, overlooking the Roya.
You will arrive at the southern entrance of the old village of Breil, pass under the Genoa gate, and in the shadow of the pretty chapel of Saint-Antoine l'Ermite, and in the oldest part of the village, Place Rousse, to return to your starting point either by Rue Pasteur and Rue Sainte-Catherine, or by walking along the Roya.

Technical Information

Not specified
4.3 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Bureau de tourisme de Breil - Menton, Riviera & Merveilles 17, place Bianchéri , 06540Breil-sur-Roya
Lat : 43.937597Lng : 7.513897

Points of interest

image du object

Ancient watchtower of La Cruella

This tower overlooking the locality bears the name of the birds of prey, "cruel" species of hawks, which nestled in the hollows of the rocky ridge on which it is built.Edifiée par les comtes de Vintimille quand ils prennent possession des bourgs de la Roya. En 1258, trois de leurs descendants cèdent cette turris Cruellam à Charles de Provence. Ce nom de "Turris Cruellam " figure dans la charte de 1258 par laquelle le Comte de Provence devient maître de Breil. Pendant des siècles, dominant tous les accès menant à Breil sur Roya, elle est la gardienne de la cité. En 1940, les éclaireurs-skieurs alpins qui s'y sont retranchés stoppent la progression des troupes italiennes qui tentent de prendre la ville et ses installations ferroviaires. Entièrement restaurée par des bénévoles breillois et irlandais, la Tour a aujourd'hui retrouvé sa beauté d'antan. Un circuit de randonnée est proposé pour s'y rendre. Arrivé à la tour une table d'orientation vous fait découvrir un magnifique panoramique, d'où l'on aperçois Piène Haute et Saorge.

Sentier de la Cruella 06540 Breil-sur-Roya
- Menton, Riviera & Merveilles -
image du object

Breil sur Roya village

Archaeological discoveries prove that the site of Breil sur Roya is inhabited since the Neolithic era.

- Menton, Riviera & Merveilles -
image du object

Genova door

Dating back to the Middle Ages, with the wall that led to it, it is the last vestige of the ramparts that encircled the ancient city and the three doors through which one entered it. Until 1814 it closed the way coming from Free the Genoese..

Sortie du village Derrière la chapelle Saint Antoine Ermite 06540 Breil-sur-Roya
- Menton, Riviera & Merveilles -
image du object

Chapel Saint-Antoine the Ermite

Chapel at the end of the village at the foot of olive groves. Opened occasionally during specific celebrations. Possibility to see it from the outside all year round.Covered with a lauze roof, this chapel is raised in the 17th century by the doctor Horace Cottalorda. In the centre of the altarpiece, a canvas depicting the Virgin and the Child between Saint Anthony and Saint Eloi rises above the altar. This chapel is the seat of the confraternity of Saint Anthony. La Soucétà Briiencà l'entretien and celebrates a Mass there every year. At the end of the service the participants gather around a meal shared with the Breilloises culinary specialties. Built a few meters from the Gate of Genoa, the chapel allowed travelers to make their devotions before crossing the ramparts.

Sortie du village, après la place Rousse Sentier valléen 06540 Breil-sur-Roya
- Menton, Riviera & Merveilles -

Additional information

Open period

All year round.

Updated by

Office de Tourisme Menton, Riviera & Merveilles - 03/07/2024
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Phone : 04 83 93 98 34

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Type of land

Hard coating (tar, cement, flooring)
Not suitable for strollers

Topo guides and map references

Map references :
IGN map "Vallée de la Roya-Vallée des Merveilles" n°3841 OT

Tricky passages

Encourage children to be careful in various places where the paths are cut into rocky and very steep areas: GR52A from the pine forest to the Cruella, the Cruella tower, then the Irish path is narrow and can be slippery in the valley...

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾