For a few kilometers discover the natural resources of the valley of Jarjatte, a magnificent site classified by the state since 2012, for the recognition of the picturesque of this place and the work done by all the local actors for its safeguarding.
From La Jarjatte, follow the GR 93 for 400m towards La Plainie 1. From there, take a path in the woods to reach the Permafrost de Combe Obscure 2. Continue until the Pasture of Mougious 3 and its magnificent panorama, before descending to Ravine de la Chaumette 4 (attention strong slope). Then join the Cascade de Mougious 5 at 200 m. Go back to the Ravin de la Chaumette 6 and head towards La Jarjatte via the Combe Bertin 7. Take the road between Combe Bertin and La Jarjatte for 1.6 km.
En train :Gare SNCF of Lus-la-Croix-Haute : Calcul d'itinéraire En Bus: Ligne Express Régionale n°31 Grenoble-Marseille (par Sisteron et Digne-les-Bains).En covoiturage : Proposez ou reservez votre covoiturage avec la plateforme régionale Mov'Ici.
Beware in rainy weather, some technical passages can be delicate and slippery! Use the passageways to cross the fences, close the gates and barriers, stay on the marked paths.
En alpage, les chiens de protection sont là pour protéger les troupeaux des prédateurs. Lorsque je randonne, j’adapte mon comportement en contournant le troupeau et en marquant une pause pour que le chien m’identifie. Cliquez ici pour voir la vidéo : c'est quoi au juste un chien de protection ?
Grand parking à l'entrée de la station de la Jarjatte
From the E712 take the direction of Lus-la-Croix-Haute. From there take the D505 to La Jarjatte, park in the parking lot at the foot of the station.
La Jarjatte, Lus-la-Croix-Haute
Take a walk along the trails that will take you to the discovery of the Permafrost de Combe Obscure permafrost and the Mougious waterfall, all with magnificent views of the highest peaks of the Drôme. This hike takes place partly in forest but also at times along a torrent.
La Jarjatte, Lus-la-Croix-Haute