118 km of fully-marked trails between three "Plus Beaux Villages de France": Turenne, Collonges-la-Rouge and Curemonte.
Come and take in the sights and exceptional heritage throughout your stay, where each stage has a number of discoveries in store for you: Turenne and its castle, the fortified church of Noailhac, Collonges la Rouge with its castles and turreted houses, Meyssac and its grain market, Curemonte with its three castles, its three churches and its orientation table, Saillac with its church with polychrome tympanum and its oil mill?
Fixed telephone : +33 5 55 26 91 90
Cellular telephone : +33 6 69 44 11 27
e-mail : correze@ffrandonnee.fr
Web site (URL) : correze.ffrandonnee.fr/
Yellow and red (GRP®)
Hiking Route (GR®)
Over 4 hours