A walk on the heights of Nyons, between scrubland and olive groves: it is the right path to soak up the Nyonsaise atmosphere.
From the car park in front of the town hall, turn left on the street leading to the school. Follow André Escoffier street, which rises to the right of the school. At the dead end, continue on the paved road that climbs 50 meters then continue straight on a stony path that climbs among the olive trees. Cross a path from side to side and continue straight on a narrower path along a wall. Arriving at the concrete road, go up until you reach the big cypresses and turn right along the path that goes up the hedge. The path leads to a paved road that must be followed at the climb. Climb two small bends, then, at the fork at the foot of the big block of ocher rock, turn right on the small road down, which extends to a plank lined with olive trees.1 - In the left turn, leave the road to take a right on the trail marked by a post indicating the climbing site. Go up this gently sloping path and pass at the foot of the rock climbing. At the exit of the green oak wood (rocky plate), leave the flat path to take the left that climbs. After the stone walls arranged in a circle in the oak grove, climb the wooded scrubland and reach the Devès junction (directional post alt. 470 m) with the GR 9.2 - Continue the path that goes left on the ridge to the Notre-Dame de Réparat chapel. Pass the Pontias Hole and continue on the Pontias Pass (road).3 - Make a U-turn and return to the Devès intersection (directional post alt 470 m)4 - Continue straight to go down the ridge and below, pass rocks and steps. When the path arrives in view of a building, keep going down to the left and, at the first houses, go down the Devès street. Through the small streets of the old town return to the Town Hall Square.
TER SNCF Coach Connection: Operating hours of the line 71 (Montélimar-Nyons)
RESPECTER LA TRANQUILLITE du lieu où on se promène, éviter de crier et ne pas utiliser d’instruments ou d’appareils sonores (radio, etc.), par respect pour les autres usagers mais aussi pour la quiétude de la faune, notamment en périodes de reproduction et d’hivernage où les animaux sont beaucoup plus vulnérables.
Éviter de cueillir les plantes sauvages : certaines d’entre elles sont protégées.
Une partie de l'itinéraire est fortement exposée au soleil, prendre l'équipement nécessaire (eau, casquette, crème solaire, ...) pour les chaudes journées d'été. Privilégier un départ tôt le matin pour éviter les heures chaudes de la journée.
RISQUE INCENDIE. Le feu est l’ennemi de la forêt… et du randonneur ! Ne pas fumer en forêt et ne pas allumer de feu, d'autant que quelle que soit la saison, c'est interdit ! Et en période estivale, avant de partir en balade, se renseigner sur les conditions et réglementations d’accès aux massifs forestiers.
Parking de la Place Buffaven (Mairie)
51.5 km south-east of Montélimar, by the D 541.
"It's a ride that I feel the atmosphere" hiking "although being close to the city. After a climb on a small road in the middle of olive trees we reach the Devès hill where we enjoy a view of the whole city of Nyons and the Eygues valley. The trail of Ridge is a little technical in the rocks but such an atmosphere when one leads in the face of the old ramparts of the old-city!!! "Vincent Aubert, sports technician of nature to the RNP Baronnies of Provence.
Nyons, town hall square